"Why do I feel all loopy!?" Tiny asked herself. Crack. "What was that?!" Tiny said. "I think it came from that tree.... Should I see what is over there? Na.. I do not want to get lost.." As Tiny is walking to her father's den she was hearing strange sounds... "There it is! My dad's den! I wonder what he was wanting to talk about..." Tiny said. "OWW PROFESSER!!!!!!!" Screamed a rabbit. "Sorry! You were in front of me!" Said another bunny. "Yeah right!!!!!" The bunny said. "Huh? Who is over there??" Tiny asked. "Professer! BE QUIET! It's a...a...a..-" "WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed professer. "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Said The other bunny. "No! I won't hurt you! I promise! I'm just wondering... Who are you!?" Said Tiny. A little black bunny with grey swirls came out of the bushes and said "Hi! I'm little Tiny Paw. Little for short." Said Little. "I'm professer.... Said Professer as he walked out of the bushes. "Nice to meet you I have to go now... My dad need's me for some reason.. Bye!" Said Tiny. "Wait!!!!!! What is that thing on your necklace?" Asked Little. "Oh.. My friend Millicy found it and she gave it to me... I think it's a Ruby..." Said Tiny. "Oh cool.. I seen another wolf yesterday with that necklace... He was scary looking... He was digging a hole and then he went and chased after us. Luckly we did not get eatin'..." Said Professer. "Huh? Tell me more about this wolf like, what does he look like?" Asked Tiny. "THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN PROFESSER! RUN!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Little as Pine walked out of the bushes and the two bunnies ran off. Oh my goodness... That's what the wolf in my dream looked like!!!! Tiny thought. "Hand it over little crooked thing" Said pine. "Thing??!? I am the princess of MoonLight Pack! And hand what over!??!" Asked Tiny. "That necklace... I'm afraid that Ruby is mine." Said Pine. "I'm afraid you are not going to get this necklace!" Shouted Tiny as she ran off as fast as she could. "GRRRRR THAT'S MINE! YOU MUST GIVE IT BACK OR ELSE!" said Pine as he was chasing after Tiny... "DAD!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Tiny. A wolf came walking out of her father's den with blood on his mouth and paws... "What dad. . . Said Tree as he walked up to Tiny and other wolves surrounded her. "W-what did you do to him!!" Asked Tiny. "He was quite yummy" said tree laughing.
Pine laughed. "Hes dead!" Said Pine.